Constructive criticism for the Zodiac signs

Aries: You react way too quickly and you’re stubborn so you’re actually WRONG half the time and don’t even realize it…

Taurus: People aren’t comfortable being honest with you because you’re so snippy.  Then you get mad that people aren’t comfortable with you…

Gemini:  You’re smart but you overthink, jump to conclusions and yes, sometimes you’re wrong.  AND you’re apologies seem so insincere…

Cancer: Yeah the crying will get you sympathy but people get annoyed after the first time… A LOT of people don’t like the water works

Leo: You’re boisterous and it’s entertaining but you get so defensive and REACH to be offended by people sometimes..

Virgo: You’re also very smart… but only at structure, logic, practicality… you’re clever and witty  but you’re terrible at managing your emotions.. so stop calling emotional people DUMB/WEAK and start taking their advice..

Libra: You ARE different from everyone else… it’s cool to be unique but sometimes you take it too far and you weird people out..

Scorpio: You’re creative and a DO-er and that’s awesome. People can’t match your intensity and it shouldn’t piss you off so much.

Sagittarius: You should try harder to be the same person around everyone.  Maybe you should trust your friends who care about you more than your party friends

Capricorn: You are cold. You forget to appreciate what you have because you’re always looking for something better…

Aquarius:  If you don’t have an outlet to express yourself regularly, you’ll get all antsy and wanna fight or just be all angry…  I’m not talking about exercise I’m talking about artsy, feelsy stuff…

Pisces: You need to project confidence even though you’re an artist and you go through the emotional ups and downs.  You need to make plans and stick to them instead of drifting aimlessly hoping for SOMETHING to happen randomly…

Pet Peeves of Zodiac Signs | Pisces Perspective

Every zodiac sign out there has something that just– irks ’em.  Whether you’re an overly sensitive water sign or a impatient fire sign, you’re probably hypersensitive to at least one of life’s subtleties.
“I hate being told to hurry up and get ready only to arrive and wait.”
Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Pisces

“I despise long-winded small talk with people I KNOW I’ll never see again.”
Aries, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio

“I don’t like it when I’m at the store and the local school kids come in and get loud and turnt.”
Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

When people leave their mouths open too much for ANY reason.  Ew.
Cancer, Leo, Pisces, Libra

When people tell me, “I can’t eat ALL of THAT food on my plate by myself.”
Taurus, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra

5 BEST Tarot Card Readers on YouTube | Pisces Perspective

Looking for a daily, weekly, monthly Tarotscope reading?  Well there are hundreds if not, thousands of Tarot card readers on YouTube!

The Tarot card reading community on YouTube is rather large when you search it. A quick “Pisces January 2018” search will yield hundreds of videos.  With a plethora of different readers with all sorts of decks and reading styles, it’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed by the paradox of choice.  The channels offer free astrologically-based general readings for their viewers.  In some instances, the readers provide extended videos and private readings for a fee.

captufre.jpgHaving explored quite a few hundred  of these Tarot card readers over the past couple of years, I’ve selected the channels that really stand out in terms of how much the readings resonate with me, the knowledge of cards and the reader’s style!

Below is a list of the Top 5 Tarot Card readers I’m watching on YouTube in 2018

Tyler’s Tarot (67K subs)

Pisces Jan 2018 reading 

You know that friend who runs up to you with some tea to spill about your frenemies?  Well it just FEELS like that’s what’s happening when you watch a Tyler’s Tarot reading.  Tyler comes off as a concerned ally in his reading.  If you’re picky on video quality, he might not be the reader for you.  And DON’T bother complaining to Tyler about it either! He WILL clap back! Tyler offers monthly and weekly readings.  He live streams readings and he also is known to do a pop up reading from time to time! Tyler’s readings are thorough, and he has a unique style, creating his own deck and spreads.  Heck, I like him.  But I might be a biased perspective because he  favor us Pisces! #WeOutHere

Cups of Tarot (34K subs)

January 2018 Pisces Tarot Reading

Again, another person who gets right down to the nitty-gritty.  Cups of Tarot’s readings are short and sweet–like under 10 minutes.  She KNOWS those cards.  She speaks very fast so your undivided attention is a MUST.  I mostly appreciate the warnings and action-oriented advice she gives.  She answers the question, “what even am I dealing with? and who should I look out for?” To me, this is a great “warning” reader.



The Quietest Revolution (102k subscribers)

Quietest Revolution
January 2018 Pisces Tarot Card Reading

This is another Tarot card reader who, has a THING with us Pisces.  Quietest Revolution is calm and collected as she gives readings that go for 20+ minutes!  Amber goes in depth with the readings and incorporates her personal experiences with each sign. Her warmth and genuine empathy for each sign is felt through the screen.  She also offers extended reading videos on her website!

My Cards Never Lie Tarot (25K subscribers)

Cards never lie tarot
Pisces reading Jan 2018

I stumbled across these faceless readings by the titles.  I scoffed at the name of the channel at first.  But then I learned the truth… THE CARDS NEVER LIE! Well, HER cards never lie.  I’ve watched most of the Pisces videos and I was surprised at how much what she said resonated with me and my situations.  Also, the video is aesthetically pleasing.  I mean, there IS a waterfall in the background!  I love that this reader uses Angel cards at the beginning of readings. The Angels add a layer of support when those difficult swords and/or reverse cards pop up!


James13Wicca  (23K subscribers)

Pisces Tarot reading – Jan 2018

My FAVORITE YouTube Tarot card reader by FAR is James.  He too is a Pisces, and it’s very apparent! Although he uses the Tarot cards, as a viewer I look forward to his intuitive moments.  James’ videos are anywhere from 10 – 30 minutes normally.  This is because he takes his time reading, and he pulls clarifying cards until he feels it’s time to “wrap this reading up!” James provides general monthly reads as well as coupled and single Pisces reads twice per month! I’ve honestly had my jaw drop too many times not to acknowledge James.  The comment section is typically in agreement with this!


Subscribe to James’ YouTube Channel here!!

What’d you think of my picks? Who are YOUR top 5 Tarot Card readers?


How each sign acts when they’re interested | Pisces Perspective

An Aries will try to make you smile by stealing the attention in the room. They’ll act as silly as they need to stand out to their crush.

A Taurus is interested if they’re genuinely frustrated by you.  Only people Taurus care about can annoy them so greatly.

A Gemini will tease you. For this sign, it’s about getting you to realize that it’s your lucky day.  If they like you a lot, they’ll take the direct approach.

A Cancer is ruled by the moon and so, the feels will be overwhelming. Cancers are the type to have to muster up the courage to say hello. After that, they’ll always be around.

Leos are bold and foreword so, they will let you know if they are interested pretty aggressively.

Virgos are afraid of rejection so you will not know they have a crush until they’re sure it will be well received. Virgos generally hide their true emotions.

Libras cannot stop grinning when they’re around their crush. Libras do try to impress their crush by NOT being impressed by anything.

Scorpios do not crush on people. They conquer missions and defeat all competition.

Capricorn will partake in the art of seduction when someone catches their eye. They will invite their crush on a spontaneous, exclusive adventure. But first, lots of eye contact.

An Aquarius will try to be real cute with their crush. They’re shy when communicating but they will try to spend time with their potential one and only.

A Pisces will create an entire romantic movie in their head about their crush. A Pisces will daydream about their crush while remaining tight lipped about their feelings. If you catch a Pisces staring at you, they will probably blush and turn away!


The Zodiac signs react to you bringing up their EXES | Pisces Perspective

Most breakups aren’t mutual and in some cases, one or more individuals are pissed off at the end.  I’m not saying there aren’t signs who break up in an amicable way, I’m just saying its not too often.
If you’re about to ask an emotional water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) about their ex, please don’t forget the Kleenex.  Earth signs tend to be a little more calm and cold about their exes as they  manage “the feels” better than the other signs.  Air signs will overthink the past and talk your ear off for hours, explaining what they were thinking.  Do YOU have that kinda time?  I don’t.  Fires signs will explode after a break up and then they will simply move on.  Bringing up a fire sign’s ex while the wound is fresh, is like removing X-Men’s Cyclops eye wear in mirror emporium. 
With all these factors in play, you might wanna think twice before you ask your friend about their ex!  Nevertheless, here’s how the Zodiac signs react to YOU bringing up their exes.

Aries: Pfft I’m OVER him.. But what’s he upto though? I don’t even care. 

Taurus: F**k that loser he’s obviously failing at life because I’m not in his.

Gemini: Ugh he was so long ago.  He’s a non-factor.  (secretly cries every night)

Cancer: Who?! I was doing FINE until you brought HIM up.  Thanks a lot. 

Leo: Who? Oh yeah, her.  I hope she’s happy..I’ve had like 3 serious relationships since.. I don’t care.

Virgo: Oh him, yeah I hope he’s doing alright… I’ve been so busy with work.

Libra:  I don’t care about this person.  I don’t know this person.  What’s for lunch?

Scorpio: If you bring this person up again, I will not be responsible for my actions…

Sagittarius: We just don’t talk anymore but I should give em a call for a quickie

Capricorn: Ugh what was I even thinking. I don’t respect that person at all.  I’m in a new place in life.

Aquarius:  No comment.

Pisces: Oh I’m over him… **breaks down and cries** I just miss him when I think about what we had… but UGH I hate him so much..but I want him back…


So you have a crush on an Aries? | Pisces Perspective

So you want a piece of the Ram eh?

I can’t blame you. I mean, they ARE pretty HOT considering they’re a fire sign.

As the first sign of the Zodiac, they have this youthful, bratty exterior…

Just picture the youngest sibling… Picture how spoiled “the baby” of the family is. Well, Aries is the baby of the Zodiac!

Aries are use to getting special treatment and it’s because they have charisma, charm… and sex appeal

If you really wanna get their attention, you’ll have to compliment them… and it’s gotta be sincere.

An Aries is a big romantic. So if they like you, they’ll look like this:

Aries are very picky. If they want you they will be determined to impress you

But.. They lose interest easily and tend to run away… like, FAST

Overall, think about it this way, if you don’t have the stamina to play “games” to get an Aries interested, you wont be able to keep them interested.

So you have a crush on a Pisces? | Pisces Perspective

So, you’re interested in a teary-eyed, overly sensitive, all-over-the-place Pisces? OK.

Pisces are quirky, eccentric and creative. They’re very random.

Pisces are always hoping for the right person to sweep them off their feet. Like in the movies!

Pisces are compassionate, and they are suckers for a sob story. They love to be supportive.

Pisces are typically attracted to stable partners like Scorpio, Capricorn or the adventurous Sagittarius.

Pisces appreciate people who ponder the spiritual “why?” of life.

If you get overly aggressive with a Pisces, they will act like everything is okay… Then you’ll NEVER see them again.

Things the Zodiac signs have planned for 2018 | Pisces Perspective

Every year, at the end, we evaluate ourselves and the events that lead us to our desires for the new year.  The last quarter of 2017 was tough for a lot of zodiac signs, especially with that damn Mercury retrograde (Dec 2 – Dec 23, 2017) throughout the holidays! If they had it their way, here’s how the zodiac signs would like the new year to go.

Aries | This is the year I start a(nother) new business!

Taurus | This year I will get stronger, faster… and far more superficial.

Gemini | This is my year to get rich… quick.

Cancer | This year I’m going to work on my friendships.

Leo | This year I want all my hard work to pay or some good luck would be nice.

Virgo | My 2018 resolution is to further refine my pool of close acquaintances.

Libra | This year I want to be impressive.  I’ll show the world what I’m made of!

Scorpio | This will be the year I stop welcoming drama into my life.

Sagittarius | This is the year I admit that my mental health needs attention.

Capricorn | This is the year I’m going to let go, open up more and be vulnerable.

Aquarius | This is the year I’m going to travel and value my time on Earth.

Pisces | This is the year I’m going to search for love everywhere.  I want to fall in love over and over again.